The engine will be delivered with 2 tank lids. One is witha
ventilation hole for flight operations. The other is closed for
transport. Before each flight, ensure that the ventilation cap
is screwed on.
Failure to do so may result in engine failure due to the
tank pressure.
Use the closed lid only for transportation. Beware that a
closed tank will expand as temperatures rise, as well will
shrink as conditions get cooler and deform the fuel tank-
check the correct cap is fitted before each flight and the tank
is not expanded.
Fuel flows from the fuel tank through a 90° outlet and then
through a fuel filter- check before each flight.
After the fuel filter there is the ball pump that allows the
fuel to be primed into the carburettor
The membrane carburetor has no special choke system. A
cold engine needs to be primed.
To prime your engine squeeze the ball pump.
Simultaneously press in the carburetor membrane to allow
fuel come into the carburettor.
It is important to release the membrane before releasing the
pump. Repeat this until you see fuel enter into the
carburettor via the fuel line and your finger feels a little
Now you have the right amount of gas in your carburetor.