Getting Started with Freescale MQX
™ and IAR Embedded Workbench
, Rev. 5, 04/2015
Freescale Semiconductor
4 Using the MQX RTOS DebugI/O Driver with EWARM IDE
The MQX RTOS provides the DebugIO driver allowing the processor to communicate with PC host
computer via a debugger probe. The DebugIO channel can also be used as a default console for
standard input and output operations. See more details about this driver in the
Getting Started with
Freescale MQX
The MQX RTOS currently supports ARM
-M Semihost and ITM technologies. The IAR
EWARM supports the Semihost communication channel for both input and output direction.
Change the
“low-level interface implementation” settings in the project options, the
General Options
Library Configuration
tab, to enable debug console in the IDE:
Figure 25- Library configuration