Getting Started with Freescale MQX
™ and IAR Embedded Workbench
, Rev. 5, 04/2015
Freescale Semiconductor
3 Running and Debugging the MQX RTOS application
The description bellow is provided for FRDMK64F120M BSP and Hello World example application.
The same procedure applies for all other BSPs and examples.
3.1 Run MQX RTOS Hello World program
Loading and debugging MQX RTOS applications is an easy task with IAR Embedded Workbench
tool and it is not different from debugging classic non-OS applications. Make sure that you select
the correct debugger interface in the project options and that you use the correct processor
initialization Macro file.
Connect the USB cable to the OpenJTAG connector on TWR-K60N512 board. Open the
Terminal Window application by using Port USB COM, Baud 115200, Parity None, Bits 8
In project/Options-Debugger check debugger Driver settings. Default is J-Link. When a MQX
RTOS application is compiled and linked to all MQX RTOS libraries, press the debug button
to download the application to target.
The application gets executed and stops at the default C language entry point in the
function. Be aware that, at this breakpoint, the MQX Operating System is not yet running.
Therefore, the use of TAD plugin features, as described in subsequent sections, is limited.
Figure 4- mqx_main.c
Press the
“Run” button to start the application.
Figure 5- Run button
Hello World is printed on serial console terminal.
Figure 6
– Console terminal