Getting Started with Freescale MQX
™ and IAR Embedded Workbench
, Rev. 5, 04/2015
Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 14- Factory settings
Change the interface from JTAG to SWD
3.3 Debugging (attach) the Application loaded by MQX RTOS Bootloader
This chapter describes debugging of the application loaded to the processor memory by MQX
RTOS Bootloader. The similar approach can be used for debugging an application loaded by a
different bootloader e.g., U-Boot. This chapter also briefly describes the steps required for preparing
bootable SD Card image and application images in IAR tool set. For detailed information on Vybrid
Bootloader usage, see Readme.txt located in the MQX RTOS Bootloader application folder.
Building Bootloader and creating bootable SD card
Import the MQX RTOS Bootloader project to your workspace by using
Project/Add Existing
Select the bootloader_vybrid from your MQX RTOS installation directory.
Select Int Ram Debug target and compile the application using
Project/Make menu
and use prepare binary image to prepare bootable SD Card.
Building and Debugging the Application images
Build the applications you want to run on A5 and M4 cores the usual way.
Store the binary images to root directory on bootable SD card.