The waveform need not be a sine wave, other wave-
forms such as square, triangular or sawtooth can be
The Vibration Generator may be used sitting upright,
on its side, or inclined e.g. on an Overhead Project-
or. By means of the accessory no. 2185.05 the Vi-
bration Generator may be placed at any angle you
may choose, or use the accessories listed below to
perform the experiments of your choice.
If at any time your Vibration Generator fails to work:
1. Check the fuse. If the fuse is blown replace it on-
ly with a similarly rated fuse. 1.0 A, 250 v, Fast.
When replacing the fuse make sure that the fuse-
holder is fully tightened.
2. If the fuse is not blown, check that the fuseholder
is fully tightened.
1. Lock the drive arm by sliding the locking device
at the top to the "Lock" position. This protects
the apparatus while connecting external equip -
ment to the drive arm.
2. Use the banana plug connector to connect the
experimental apparatus of your choice to the
drive arm.
3. Unlock the drive arm.
4. Apply the signal from e.g. your function genera-
tor to the input terminals on the front of the Vi-
bration Generator.
5. Adjust the frequency and amplitude of the func -
tion generator to produce the desired waves. The
current should not to exceed 1.0 A.
6. When no longer in use set the locking device to
the "Lock" position, demount the equipment at-
tached to the drive arm, and store the apparatus.
Technical specifications:
Frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 5 kHz.
7 mm at 1 Hz, decreasing
with increasing frequency.
Input impedance: 8 ohm.
Max. current:
1.0 A, fuse limited.
Available accessories:
Holder for top mounting.
Holder for mounting in the Base.
Piano wire loop.
Banana plug connector.
Chladni plate, square.
Chladni plate, circular.
Resonant steel strips.
Rubber cord, 2 m.
Kinetic gas theory set.