Programmable Options
Buzzer Tone: There are three buzzer tones to select.
Touch the key 5 seconds long, time of day display will show the currently valid
tone as “tn 1” (high) or “tn 2 (medium)” or “tn 3 (low)". The valid tone can be
changed by a key touch within 7 seconds after the last one. Default tone is “tn
Key Sound: There are three key sound options to select.
Touch the key key 5 seconds long, time of day display will show the currently
valid key tone as “bt” (beep tone) or“c” (click tone) or “nt" (no tone). The valid key
sound can be changed by a key touch within 7 seconds after the last one.
Default key sound is “bt”.
Time of Day Mode 24h/12h: Default mode is 24 hours. If 12h am/pm
mode is desired, touch both and keys 5 secons long. Mode changes and a beep
tone occurs. Do the same for vice versa.
Auto Power Save (APS): APS is an option not set as factory setting. If set,
the control will be switched OFF automatically, whenever there is nothing other than
the time of day to be displayed. Touching 5 seconds long in idle mode (no
cooking related operation present) activates this option, Time of day digits will show
PS ON for a few seconds accompanied with a beep tone. Cancelling this option is
done in the same way, PS OF will be shown on the screen.