Cutting a Double Mount
A Double or Triple Mat on an image will add more interest to the design of your framing.
By choosing colours that compliment the picture, the image will be enhanced and become
sharper. These colours will also help lead the eye from the frame into the picture, which is
the central focus.
The “secret” to cutting double mounts, so that the inner mount is exactly parallel to the
is not to cut two separate mounts! You can achieve perfect double mounts every time
by following the method below.
The best way, is to cut the top first, stick the two together,
then cut the bottom mount.
Here is how to do it: -
Example: 20cm x 30cm double mount with 5cm border.
1. Cut the blank for the top mount (black) 20 x 30cm. Cut the blank for the bottom mount
(white) a little smaller - 19 x 29cm (see fig. 13).
2. Cut out the window in the top mount (black) with a 4.5cm border, keep the fallout
(see fig. 14).
Note: (I) As we are cutting a double mount the top border size needs to be 5mm
smaller to show the bottom mount.
(II) Remember, we cut all mounts from the reverse side - so all our pencil
markings are on the back of the mount.
3. Place the top mount face down on your table top. Replace the drop out back into the
hole (see fig. 15).
4. Apply strips of double sided tape to the back of the mount, plus an extra piece in the
centre of the drop out. Then attach the bottom mount (white) face down to the rear of
the top mount (see fig. 16).
5. Now mark out on the back of the bottom mount (white) for a 5cm border - from the
outer edges of the top mount and cut the mount window in the normal way (see fig. 17).
The reason for cutting the bottom mount smaller is to ensure that you use the top
mounts outer edges for both border measurements. That way the sides of the double
mount will be parallel .
Hints: (I) To cut a triple mat repeat the procedure used on the bottom mat, you are only
limited by your own imagination.
(II) The cutting head should always be inside the window you are cutting.
A new mat blade is cheaper than new mat board so always use a sharp blade.
fig. 13
top mount
bottom mount
fig. 14
fig. 15
fig. 16 Apply double sided
tape to back of mount
fig. 17
Stepped (Offset)
Combination Mount
Inset Mount
Double Mount
Combination Mount
Stepped (Offset) Mount
Single Mount