perfect bevels everytime
V-Grooving with GrooveMaster™
GrooveMaster™ is a revolutionary new hand tool for cutting decorative V- Grooves into all types of
picture framing mount board. V-Grooves add a stylish look to all your framing. It is that creative
touch that gives your picture a professional finish.
Marking out the Mount
1. A V-groove can be located anywhere on the mat face. But as the main function of the
V-groove is to guide the viewers eye into the picture it is best placed on the outer or inner
edge of the mat and not in the middle. This is what we have found to be visually more
pleasing. Remember that there is no one correct position. We normally recommend to locate
the V-groove 1.5cm (1/2") from the bevel edge of the mount - position #2 on the gauge.
Cut the mount opening first – then cut the v-groove.
2. Use the Corner Gauge to mark out the start and finish lines on the front surface of the mount.
The slots in the gauge are approx. 1cm apart and you can use the top or bottom
of the slot. Just remember to use the same position on each corner. (fig. 29)
We recommend position #2 on the gauge. Draw short "light" lines on the surface of the mount
making sure the ends of the lines meet. These are your start and finish positions.
Setting up to V-Groove
3. Place the mount face up under the cutting rail. It may be more convenient if you detach
the Border Width Arm from the machine as this will not be used. Position the mount down
against the squaring arm so it does not move while making the V-Groove cut.
4. Attach the Groove Master to the cutting rail. By moving the mount, position
the GrooveMaster over the first set of corner lines, checking that the blades are aligned with
the downward line. (fig. 30)
Now move the GrooveMaster to the bottom set of lines. Align the blades over the lines by
moving the mount under the rail. Repeat the process making sure the mount is in the correct
position. This process will ensure you cut a straight v-groove.
5. Starting at the top position, press the blades into the mount and with a smooth constant
pressure pull the cutter downwards to the finish position. (fig. 31)
Stop when you see the intersection line appear in the sight hole. Remove the GrooveMaster
carefully so that you do not tear away the waste material.
More control and smoother cutting is obtained if the 3rd finger is located in the index hole,
rather than the 2nd finger (see figure. 35)
6. Rotate the mount clockwise ready to cut the next side. Position the mount and the
GrooveMaster on the next set of corner cross lines and cut down to the first groove. Repeat
for the third and fourth side.
Note: We have found for best results to cut from
the reference marks down to a groove.
fig. 29
fig. 30
fig. 31
fig. 32