Frama Matrix F12
Press the Tool key to obtain the basic settings. The basic
settings are divided among four menus. These are desig-
nated as Setup 1, Setup 2, Setup 3 and Setup 4.
Pressing the arrow moves you forward, while pressing ESC
returns you to where you started.
7.2. Setup 2 menu
System Info: This displays system data that might be
useful when you obtain advice on the phone after a sys-
tem malfunction/breakdown. Touch the screen to quit
the display.
Status List: This shows system messages which might be
helpful when you are obtaining advice on the phone.
Touching the screen quits the display.
Credit Warning: Here you can define the level of remaining postage credit which, when it is
reached, will trigger a notification. The default value is £100.00.
High Value: This setting determines that amount from which, for security reasons, you must confirm
the postage value before this amount can be franked. The default setting is £10.00. Enter the new
desired value and confirm your input by pressing ENTER.
Max. value: This defines the maximum value which can be franked on a mail item at one time. The
default value is £99.99. Enter the desired value and acknowledge your entry by pressing ENTER.
7.3. Setup 3 menu
Beep ON: Used to switch the key beep on and off. Press-
ing Beep ON switches off the beep. Pressing it again
switches the beep back on.
CC Clear ON/OFF: Using this function, you can define
whether the users of the individual cost centres may or
may not delete their cost centre contents (counter read-
ings and values). Selecting CC Clear OFF means that only
you are allowed to reset counters in Admin mode.
Auto Log off: Defines the time in minutes until the current cost centre will be closed and the user
logged off. A cost centre must be selected again before work can continue.
Auto Log off activation and setting Auto Log off time: Press the Auto Log off key. Enter the desired
time. Entering zero minutes switches the Auto Log off function off. Press ENTER to acknowledge.
PIN Code ON/OFF: This is used to activate and deactivate PINs for the cost centres. The PIN for
Admin mode cannot be deactivated. For safety reasons, always leave the PIN activated.