Frama Matrix F12
5.5. Info Print
You can set various print modes for your Frama Matrix F12 franking system using the Info Prints. The
reports are particularly important. These allow condensed information to be printed out. These reports
help you by providing overviews when you are programming or, for example, they may be used as re-
ceipts after loading postage via the FramaOnline2 data centre.
You can call up further Info Prints by pressing the Next key (right arrow).
5.5.1. Printing out reports
Press the key appropriate to the report you want and feed a
C5/6 format envelope into your Frama Matrix F12 franking
system to print the report.
You can quit the Info Print menu by pressing ESC.
5.5.2. Received stamp
You can convert your Frama Matrix F12 franking system into a received stamping machine. Select the
Date Stamping function in the Info Print menu. This mode changes to a different franking mark. No
postage is used.
5.5.3. FramaOnline2 report
The FramaOnline2 report acts as a receipt for the current transaction. You receive information about the
sum loaded and the composition of the current credit. The check amount corresponds to the total of all
amounts loaded, and it also helps you when you check your transactions.
There are also other FramaOnline2 related reports available when you press the arrow key (Proforma
Invoice and FO2 Statement).
5.5.4. Logo imprint
The Logo print function in the Info Print menu allows you to print the advertising imprint only. All relevant
postage information is hidden. This mode does not consume postage.
5.5.5. Setup report (setup settings)
The setup report summarises certain settings of Setup menu 2 (Admin mode) in a clear layout.
5.5.6. CC report
The cost centre report is a clearly laid out report of the data for the current cost centre or for a selected
cost centre (Admin mode). You receive the cost centre data for the periods and the overall counter level
(not resettable).
5.5.7. Statistics report
The statistics report is used to print out the statistics for the current period. The data collected correspond
to the items you have mailed in the time between two connections with the FramaOnline2 data centre.
The report extends over several pages (depending on the volume of statistics).
After connecting with the FramaOnline2 data centre, the statistics are automatically deleted and then
recompiled using your consumption data.
5.5.8. Specimen
Use this function to run a postage test print to allow you to assess the print quality, for instance. No post-
age is used.
The postage test prints may not be used for franking mail items.