Frama Matrix F12
2.5. FramaOnline2 installation
Installation on the FramaOnline2 data centre establishes the full functionality of your franking system and
is indispensable for the correct operation of the system.
Information: It may be necessary to configure your franking system to ensure that it connects
successfully with your network. Follow the instructions on page 40 to make the necessary settings.
In any event, you will need your PIN for administration mode as well as your FramaOnline2 activa-
tion code, which was mailed to you under separate cover. You cannot activate your system for
FramaOnline2 operation without this number. The FramaOnline2 activation code is used solely for
activation. Protect your PINs from misuse by keeping them in a safe place. If you forget or mislay
your codes, they can be read out only in the Frama Central Workshop.
A note on installation appears once the system has been started successfully.
Acknowledge the note on installation.
Select FramaOnline2.
Enter the admin PIN. The default value for this PIN is 1234. Press the OK key.
Press the “i“ key at the top right of the screen.
Press the Spanner key at the top right of the screen.
Press the “arrow” at the top right of the screen.
Select FramaOnline2.
Press the Activation PIN key and enter the activation PIN.
Press “arrow” symbol) in the top right-hand corner. On the FramaOnline2 screen, select the In-
stallation key. Press the YES key to begin installation.
The franking system contacts FramaOnline2.
Once FramaOnline2 installation is complete, you will be prompted to install the ink jet cassette.
2.6. Installing the ink jet cassette
Follow the instructions on page 25 to install the ink jet cassette correctly.
2.7. Loading credit from FramaOnline2
You must load postage credit into the franking system before you can frank mail with your Frama Matrix
F12 franking system.
Follow the instructions on page 15. This concludes the installation.