IN 3C08/12/15/18.
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© Future Products Group
Custom Inserts
The silver anodised extrusions incorporate grooves, which allow appropriately
coloured or printed strips of decorative laminate to be inserted. The strips are
held captive by the cabinet ends.
The top strips can be easily slid upwards into the top groove, and then down
into the bottom one.
The lower
strip is held
captive by the
cabinet ends,
and has to be
bowed for
removal and
Insert the upper edge into the narrow groove, closest to the curved surface, bow
the strip to insert the end into the lower groove, then, use your thumbs to work
the rest of the strip into place.
If the strip is hard to bend, a length of wooden dowel can be placed underneath
to aid bowing. The dowel should be progressively withdrawn as the strip is
Most metals are too rigid for insertion in this position.
Maximum strip thickness is 0.75mm. See Mechanical Drawings for dimensions.