Indicator Lights
The lights will flash alternately for one minute while the GALAXY 2000 unit self-tests and awaits continuous flow.
B. OK:
If your GALAXY 2000 unit is wired properly, this indicator will display GREEN whenever the main filter pump is
operating. This indicator ensures that proper incoming AC power is being delivered to the Control Panel. Further, this
indicator will FLASH GREEN whenever the system is producing purifie r, and display steady green when the cell is in
rest mode.
This indicator will display dark (OFF) whenever the Control Panel is operating correctly. While this indicator displays
dark, rest assured that your pool is being purified by Hypochlorous Acid (from Sodium Hypochlorite) when the green
OK indicator is flashing. For further explanation of this indicator, please refer to the Trouble Shooting Guide beginning
on page 15.
Output Control
The Output Control Dial is a percentage timer that regulates the amount of time the system is to produce
chlorine/bromine during the filter pump running cycle. The output is regulated according to the setting of this dial.
Each setting has a memory cycle of 36 minutes. The setting of the dial will determine how long the cell will
produce chlorine/bromine and how long it will be in the rest mode. While in the rest mode your OK indicator will
display steady green to indicate that no chlorine/bromine is being produced but the power is on. Below is a chart
that indicates the on and off periods of each output setting.
NOTE: Any interruption of power, will cause the current memory cycle to reset itself when power is restored.
Dial Setting
Approx. On-Time
Approx. Rest-Time
0 min.
36 min.
18 min.
18 min.
36 min.
0 min.
GALAXY 2000 Control Panel Functions
Section 4 a