Foxwell F1000B OBDII&Battery Tester User’s Guide_ English Version_V1.00
Service $08
- request control of on-board system, test or component
Service $09
- request Vehicle Information
Service $0A
- request Emission related DTCs with permanent status
application is selected from Home screen, the OBDII&Battery tester starts to
detect the communication protocol automatically. Once the connection has established, a menu
that lists all of the tests available on the identified vehicle displays. Menu options typically include:
Read Codes
Freeze Frame Data
Erase Codes
Live Data
I/M Readiness
O2 Sensor Test
On-board Monitor Test
Component Test
Vehicle Information
Modules Present
Unit of measure
Not all function options listed above are applicable to all vehicles. Available options may vary by
the year, model, and make of the test vehicle. A “The selected mode is not supported!” message
displays if the option is not applicable to the vehicle under test. When the OBDII&Battery tester
links to vehicle, it checks the status of I/M Monitors automatically, and gives a summary report on
the display as illustrated below.
Figure 4-1 Sample System Status Screen
If vehicle is equipped with more than one computer module (for example a power train control
module [PCM] and a transmission control module [TCM]), the OBDII&Battery tester identifies
them by their identification names (ID) assigned by manufacturer (i.e. Engine or Module $A4).
A screen with prompted information to erase the previously stored data in order to save the data
from this test displays as below.