F3X36 Series Router
User Manual
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Priority is High.
Minimum delay. Time-sensitive video data is automatically sent to this queue.
Priority is High.
Time-sensitive data like VoIP and streaming media are automatically sent to this queue.
Minimum Contention Window. This parameter is input to the algorithm that
determines the initial random backoff wait time ("window") for retry of a transmission. The
value specified here in the Minimum Contention Window is the upper limit (in milliseconds)
of a range from which the initial random backoff wait time is determined.
The first random number generated will be a number between 0 and the number
specified here. If the first random backoff wait time expires before the data frame is sent, a
retry counter is incremented and the random backoff value (window) is doubled. Doubling
will continue until the size of the random backoff value reaches the number defined in the
Maximum Contention Window. Valid values for the "cwmin" are 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127,
255, 511, or 1024. The value for "cwmin" must be lower than the value for "CWmax".
Maximum Contention Window. The value specified here in the Maximum
Contention Window is the upper limit (in milliseconds) for the doubling of the random
backoff value. This doubling continues until either the data frame is sent or the Maximum
Contention Window size is reached. Once the Maximum Contention Window size is
reached, retries will continue until a maximum number of retries allowed is reached. Valid
values for the "cwmax" are 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, or 1024. The value for
"cwmax" must be higher than the value for "CWmin".
The Arbitration Inter-Frame Spacing Number specifies a wait time (in milliseconds)
for data frames.
TXOP(b)/ TXOP(a/g)
Transmission Opportunity for "a" "b" and "g" modes is an interval of
time when a WME AP has the right to initiate transmissions onto the wireless medium
(WM). This value specifies (in milliseconds) the Transmission Opportunity (TXOP) for AP;
that is, the interval of time when the WMM AP has the right to initiate transmissions on the
wireless network. WDS
WDS (Wireless Distribution System) is a Wireless Access Point mode that enables
wireless bridging in which WDS APs communicate only with each other only (without
allowing for wireless clients or stations to access them), and/or wireless repeating in which
APs communicate both with each other and with wireless stations (at the expense of half
the throughput). This firmware currently supports one types of WDS, LAN.