Step 7:
Verify the P2P feature of the camera is enable; Login to the camera via a web browser on a computer
connected to the same LAN. Navigate to
Settings > Network > P2P
and verify the feature is enabled;
Step 8:
Lower the bit rate and frame rate of the live video feed from the camera;
How do I fix the error “please re-login after plugin installed”?
a). Internet Explorer (Windows OS)
Step 1:
Launch Internet Explorer, and navigate to
Tool > Internet Options > Security > Customer Level
> ActiveX Controls and Plugins
Step 2:
Enable ‘Download unsigned ActiveX controls’, ‘Initialize and script ActiveX controls’, ‘Run
ActiveX controls and plugins’;
Step 3:
Close and re-launch Internet Explorer and attempt to login to the camera.
b). Safari (Mac OS)
c). Chrome (Windows OS)
NOTE: If you've turned on ActiveX Filtering, please find the button in the address bar and click turn it off so the
plugin can run.
Step 1:
Open Safari and navigate to
Security Settings > Internet Plug-Ins options
Step 2:
Enable Allow Plug-Ins;
Step 3:
Close Safari completely and re-launch the browser and attempt to login to the camera.
Launch the browser and in the address bar type the address
, then find pnacl
located in the list; If the version number indicated is the component has not been updated.
Click on
Check for Update
to update the pnacl component and restart the browser after the update is
complete. If the problem continues after the pnacl plugin is updated temporarily, disable the anti-virus