Step 2. Enable DDNS on your camera
Go to the
Settings > Network > DDNS
setting tag, check
Enable DDNS
NOTE: You can use Foscam DDNS server
(Foscam DDNS server is free for you), or you
can also select third party DDNS servers for
this setting (curently we can only support
some third partey DDNS servers, please check
the server list in DDNS Server section).
Get My DDNS Now
to start the Foscam DDNS application process.
*During the application process, you will
need to login with your Foscam Cloud
account, and this Foscam Cloud account
is the Foscam account you sign up via App;
*If you don’t have a Foscam Cloud account
yet, you can sign up one in DDNS
application login page, or download the
Foscam App, which you can check the
details on Quick Start Guide.