Shenzhen Foscam Intelligent Technology Co., Limited
Tel: 86 755 2674 5668 Fax: 86 755 2674 5168
1----- Play
Click it to play the video of the camera
2----- Stop
Click it to stop the video of the camera
3----- Talk:
Click the button and the icon will become to
, then talk to the microphone that connected with
PC, people around the camera can hear your voice if the camera has connected with audio output device.
Click the icon again and stop talking.
4----- Audio
Click the button and the icon will become to
, you can hear the sound around the camera if
the camera has connected with other audio input device through the Audio Input port of the camera, Click the
icon again and stop audio.
5----- Snap:
Click it to make snapshot and it pop up a window which picture you snapshot, right click in the
window and save the picture to anywhere you want.
6----- Record:
Click the icon
and the camera start recording, you can see a green dot in the live window.
Click again and stop recording. The default storage path is C:\IPCamRecord. You can change the storage path:
Go to Settings- >Record-> Storage Location panel.
7----- Full Screen
Click it to make full-screen, or you can double click the surveillance screen to make
full-screen. Double click again and exit full-screen.
Onscreen Mouse Control
Right click the mouse and you can adjust the screen ration, full screen and Zoom up.
Keep ration: Select it and the camera will adjust the size of live window based on the computer monitor