Shenzhen Foscam Intelligent Technology Co., Limited
Tel: 86 755 2674 5668 Fax: 86 755 2674 5168
: Path to Administrator Control Panel, Click it, and it will lead to Administrator Control Panel and
do advanced settings.
Multi-Device Window
The firmware inside the camera supports up to maximum of 9 cameras being monitoring at the same time. You
can add other cameras in multi-camera panel (read chapter 4.2.5).
Mode/ Stream / Mirror/ Flip buttons
1) 50Hz ---------Indoor surveillance (Region: Europe, China)
2) 60Hz ---------Indoor surveillance (Region: USA, Canada)
3) Outdoor Mode------Outdoor surveillance
The default stream supports multiple modes, For example: HD Mode/720P/30fps/2M meanings: Stream type /
Resolution / Maximum frame rate/ Bit rate. (Different models support different specific mode. )
1) Stream type NO.
: The number is used to identify the stream type.
2) 720P/ VGA
There are two resolutions, the bigger one is 720P, and the smaller one (VGA) is 640x480 pixels. The bigger the
resolution, the better of the image quality is. If you are accessing the camera via internet and want to get more
fluent video streaming, please select resolution VGA.
3) Maximum frame rate
When the video format is 50Hz, the maximum frame rate is 25 fps. When the video format is 60Hz, the