2014/11 v2.0
In order to provide strain relief and to avoid transmitting excessive vibration to the modem
during installation, all cables connected to the MTX-HSPA-PH8-P+G Modem must be secured
or clamped immediately adjacent to the modem's connectors.
To protect the power supply cables, and in order to comply with fire safety requirements,
when the unit is powered from a battery or a high current supply, a fast 1.25A fuse should be
connected in line with the positive supply.
Any incompatible components or products must not be connected to the MTX-HSPA-PH8-
P+G modem.
MTX-HSPA-PH8-P+G distributors and sales offices may refuse warranty claims where evidence
of product misuse is found.
SIM card precautions
Before handling the SIM card in your application, ensure that you are not charged with static
electricity. Use proper precautions to avoid electrostatic discharges.
When the SIM card hatch is opened, the SIM card connectors lie exposed under the SIM card
Do not touch these connectors! If you do, you may release an electrical discharge that could
damage the modem or the SIM card.
Whe desig i g ou appli atio , the “IM a d’s a e
ssibility should be taken into account.
We always recommend that you have the SIM card protected by a PIN code. This will ensure
that the SIM card cannot be used by an unauthorized person.
Antenna precautions
If the antenna is to be mounted outside, consider the risk of lightning. Follow the instructions
provided by the antenna manufacturer.
Never connect more than one modem to a single antenna. The modem can be damaged by
radio frequency energy from the transmitter of another modem.
Like any mobile station, the antenna of the modem emits radio frequency energy. To avoid
EMI (electromagnetic interference), you must determine whether the application itself, or
e uip e t i the appli atio ’s p o i it , eeds fu the p ote tio agai st adio e issio
and the disturbances it might cause. Protection is secured either by shielding the surrounding
electronics or by moving the antenna away from the electronics and the external signal