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935-0003 Rev C
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SafetySense® Technology
SafetySense® Technology consists of major system-level technologies that work together to provide the
integrator the ability to design systems with consistent and reliable remote operations.
The VSC contains dedicated hardware that is monitoring its remote links, local safety inputs, local safety
outputs, as well as its internal health. Dual highly-reliable programmable controllers run frequent diagnostics
on themselves as well as their partner to ensure any internal or external faults are detected before a demand
on the safety system occurs.
Figure 1
Safety Architecture
The figure above illustrates the internal structure of the VSC. It is designed from the ground up to ensure
that no single point of failure (hardware or software) exists that could cause an unsafe condition to not be
caught and indicated by the Master Enable. It is important that system designers pay careful attention in
the integration of the VSC with their drive system to ensure that motion will be prevented when the
system de-asserts the Master Enable signals.