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935-0003 Rev C
14 of 33
There are three tabs in the menu display, from left to right: Vehicle, Remote, and Info. The Vehicle menu
tab displays the 9 user values that can be updated through the VSC interface. The Remote menu tab
contains setting specific to the SRC as shown below. The Info menu tab displays related information
pertaining to the system, including battery life, software version information, and network ID.
Menu Item
LCD Contrast
Controls the contrast setting on the LCD screen.
0 - 16
LCD Backlight
Controls the backlight setting on the LCD screen.
When set to 0, the backlight is disabled.
0 - 16
Controls the time before the SRC goes into Pause
Mode because of an Inactivity Timeout. The time
before going into Pause Mode is the Inacti
1 in minutes.
0 - 10
Controls whether or not the SRC will automatically
power off after being inactive for 2 minutes after
going into Pause Mode because of an Inactivity
Table 13: Menu Options
Operational Mode
Operational Mode is the only state where motion is allowed in the system. When in Operational Mode, the
VSC and its paired device have established a communication link, and motion is intended. The SRC LCD
display will show it is in Operational Mode. At this point, all joystick movement, and button presses on the
SRC will be output from the VSC. The VSC
s Master Enable relay is energized providing a closed-circuit
condition indicating a safe state. For configurations without an SRC the joystick messages will be available
but will always be zeroed.
If the VSC is in Operational Mode, the VSC will output the heartbeat message with an indication that the
system is operational and the VSC will output the joystick message with all values reflective of commands
on the SRC.
When in Operational Mode, the SRC display has four available modes that are configurable via a feedback
key from the API. The default display mode shows data from the GPS module on the SRC including UTC
time, Latitude and Longitude. The second display mode allows the user to display four 20-character lines of
text using the feedback string functions in the API. These text lines can be updated every 250ms allowing
the user to update the entire display once per second if desired. The third display mode will display the
first four user defined keys with both the custom text and value. The last display mode will display the first
eight user defined keys with only the value updating. For more information regarding custom display
updates, refer to the API definition and the example code. The SRC display will look similar to the following
in the default Operational Mode.
Master Enables
The Master Enable output relays are open-circuit when the system determines that an unsafe condition
exists. The LCD display on the SRC will show that the E-Stop is asserted as shown below.