HD-01-EX Flame Detector
372001-23 Rev. A
The count values provide a direct measure of infrared or ultraviolet light intensity striking the respective
use in a control system. Analog output is driven by internally generated 15 VDC and is protected by a self-
resetting fuse (PTC). The minimum and maximum scale values are user adjustable based on customer
at user selected interval, IDDX runs a self-check routine to validate proper functioning of the system.
During self-check, 50 VDC Bias voltage to detector is removed for a brief period while processor monitors
drop below the drop out set point, CPU triggers fault LED to lit, Flame relay to deenergize, Fault relay
RESET push button.
Fault relay is normally energized to provide fail safe output and deenergizes on detection of fault. Thus,
wire or disconnected IDD detector head or loss of 15 VDC power to detector and triggers fault alarm when
such condition persist.
pushbutton is pressed.
Flame (Green)
Steady when the Flame Relay is in “ON” state.
Alarm (Red)
Steady when the Detector faults; off otherwise.
WDT (Green)
Flashing every second indicates normal operation; off during processor
internal fault except when detector is disconnected.
P1 (Green)
P2 (Green)
Self-CHECK (Green)
Blinking on every period value set on Self check timer; off otherwise.
are intended for display on the operator console only. Analog output signal is not
safety control loop of the Burner Management System.
372001-24 Rev. B