372001-24 Rev. B
• The self-check cycle timer is not incremented while inside the tuning loop. The timer resumes counting
• The blind input is not checked while tuning. If this input is changed while tuning, the blind/un-blind will
occur when the tuning loop is exited.
• The watchdog timer/code is active at all times, but the WDT LED stops toggling while in the tuning loop
to serve as a visual reminder that tuning is still in progress.
• The analog outputs 4-20mA is linearly scaled between the programmed low and high points respectively.
These will output minimum (4mA) if the input channel is off or the signal level is at or below the programmed
low point and will read full scale (4-20mA) if the signal level is at or above the programmed high point.
• No hardware zero or span adjustments are provided.
• 4-20mA output support Total load of 500 Ohm external load.
Reset is required to restart the system. Refer to Sec 4.2 for guidance on troubleshooting.
The analog outputs are not intended for control of safety critical processes.