Manual - Formech Compac Mini
Operating Techniques
The powerful quartz heaters are designed to heat the plastic rapidly without burning the surface. The time
required to heat the plastic sheet remains fairly constant once the heaters have reached their operating
Heating cycle times vary according to a number of factors. With a little experience, timings may be easily
Some plastics such as styrene have a wide tolerance to heating times giving consistently good mouldings.
Care must be taken with other materials such as ABS, as the surface will blister if the temperature limit is
The moulding should be formed when the plastic is sufficiently relaxed to become indented by the blunt end
of a pencil but not soft enough to sag.
A properly heated sheet will give an excellently defined moulding. If the sheet is not hot enough while for-
ming the moulding will not pick up all the detail from the tool.
The times below were recorded using styrene at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees C
With the machine at operating temperature. Please note that these times are a guide only.
Various factors will affect the heating time including the colour and surface finish of the material.
1.5mm Thick = 60 seconds
2.0mm Thick = 95 seconds
4.0mm Thick = 240 seconds
Digital Timer - When producing a quantity of mouldings using the same mould and plastic the heating time
will be nearly constant for each one. In this case the timer can be used. Record the heating time for the
first moulding then set the timer (in seconds) using the UP / DOWN buttons the buttons. When the heater
is pulled forward the timer counts down from the set time and sounds a buzzer when zero is reached. The
heater is then pushed back. The set time is stored until it is altered. If you don’t want to use the timer, set
the time to zero.