To adjust the position of the tabs, press the Stop
Button and hold down the key pad for the tab to be
moved. After a second or two, the tab select light on
that pad will begin to flash. Use the Lead /Trail
arrows on the right of the touch pad to move the tab
toward the lead edge or trail edge. Ten touches of a
position arrow will result in about half an inch in
movement in the direction selected. If corresponding
tabs on the opposite head are selected, both will
move as one. Starting the transport will save your
5.1 Placing The
FD 280 In-Line
To operate the FD 280 in-line with your feeding
device, place the output end of the feeding device
next to the input end of the FD 280. Leave about an
" gap between the machines. Align machines to
place tabs where desired on the mail pieces.
The gap between the feeding device and the FD 280
may need adjusting if the mail pieces are curled or
rigid. If the mail pieces’ leading edge curls up, the
gap should be larger than
" to allow the curled edge
to come down before entering the FD 280. If the
leading edge curls down, the gap should be as small
as possible, so the mail pieces will not fall between
the two machines. A rigid mail piece may require a
larger gap if it hits the bracket above the FD 280
Turn on the FD 280 before turning on any feeding
device. If the FD 280 is not turned on first, it will
not accept the fed mail pieces.