Section 15 - Automotive Industry Precautions
Page 15-4
Foretravel Owners Manual
Rev. 06-02
Never add coolant to the radiator when the engine is overheat-
ed. Do not loosen or remove radiator cap to cool overheated engine. Maintain
water level in the recovery tank, if so equipped.
Use caution in removing the radiator cap to avoid contact with
hot coolant or steam. Place a cloth over the cap, turn left to first stop, pause to
allow any pressure to release through overflow tube, then press down and turn
left to remove cap.
Under some conditions, the ethylene glycol in engine coolant
is combustible. To help avoid being burned, do not spill antifreeze or coolant
on the exhaust system or hot engine parts. If there is any question, have a qual-
ified technician add coolant or antifreeze for you.
- The radiator and air conditioner coils should be blown
off or steam cleaned regularly. This is very important on rear-engine models.
When replacing a blown fuse, it is important to replace it with
a fuse having the correct amperage rating. The use of a fuse with a rating other
than indicated may result in dangerous electrical overload. If a proper rated
fuse continues to blow, it indicates a problem in the circuit that must be cor-
Some systems use oil other than conventional power steering
fluid. Refer to Appendix A for fluid recommendation. Do not overfill!
Fluid level should be checked with the engine off to prevent injury from
moving parts.
As a producer of fine quality, safety engineered motorhomes, we are con-
cerned about the incidence of so-called "fuel geysering" which have been re-
ported in recent years. This phenomenon, which involves the spewing or
expulsion of fuel from the filler neck of the vehicle fuel tank, most frequently
occurs when the fuel cap is removed when the unit is hot and the fuel tank is
more than one-quarter full. Warm or hot ambient air temperature also appears
to contribute to the phenomenon.
While the circumstances surrounding the incidence of fuel geysering vary
from case to case, the increased volatility of fuel mixtures being marketed by
petroleum refiners in recent years appears to be a principal cause of the phe-
nomenon. These volatile fuels, because of their lightweight hydrocarbons and
lower boiling points, have an increased tendency to form vapors within the fuel