Section 2 - Warranty
Foretravel Owners Manual
Page 2-5
Rev. 06-02
5. Gloss and Color Resistance
The obvious loss of color or gloss caused by cracking or fading. The base
value of gloss, taken at the time of manufacture, shall be 75 points mea-
sured on a 60 degree meter for single-stage topcoat products and 80 points
as measured on a 60 degree meter for basecoat/clearcoat products.
Thereafter, all topcoat materials are to retain 70 percent of their initial
gloss, as measured on a 60 degree meter for (3) years (36 months). A mild
soap and water solution may be used for washing the vehicle.
6. Terms for the Validity of the Warranty. The warranty is valid on the con-
dition that the following steps are to be taken:
•Painted surface must be properly maintained by regular cleaning and
damaged areas must be repaired to prevent spreading of the damage.
•Use a mild soap and water solution for washing the vehicle. (see 11-7)
•The suitability of the detergents to the painted surfaces must be tested
before using by washing a small panel.
•Repair painting shall take place according to repair painting instruc-
tions. Repair paintings by the buyer do not extend the warranty period.
7. Reparation of the Paint Under Warranty
Repair of the painted surfaces, under warranty, will be completed beyond
the warranty period. Repair under warranty shall be restricted to clearly
confined areas. Gloss and tone difference of the repaired and repainted sur-
face compared to the original paint does not cause the need to repaint the
entire outside surface.
8. Waxing or Polishing of the Motorhome
The motorhome should not be waxed or polished during the first year. After
the first year, use a
mild liquid polish or wax.
Each engine is covered by the respective engine manufacturer under a sep-
arate warranty.
Cummins engines are covered for 60 mo./100,000 miles, whichever oc-
curs first following in-service date to the first user. Cummins will charge a
$100 deductible during the last 3 years of the 5 year warranty.
Warranty registration forms and order forms for other publications are in-
cluded in the engine manual furnished with each vehicle. Warranty claims con-
cerning the engine must be handled through the nearest Cummins authorized
repair location. Refer to the engine identification plate for the model, arrange-
ment number and serial number when requesting service from the nearest
Cummins authorized repair location.
Each transmission is covered by the respective transmission manufacturer
under a separate warranty.