Section 1 - Introduction
Page 1-4
Foretravel Owners Manual
Rev. 06-02
A motorcade will take you on a guided tour with a group of other club
members in your own coach. It may run from three weeks to more than six
weeks. Everything is planned for your enjoyment. All campsites, special
events, special meals, special tours, etc., are set up for you. Your registration
fees take care of the expenses incurred by the motorcade. You go for a good
time and leave everything else to the motorcade staff. Participating in a motor-
cade also presents the opportunity to learn more about the maintenance, upkeep
and operation of your motorhome. This is achieved through general association
with other owners.
On a jetcade you leave your coach behind and jet to some point on the
globe in the company of other club members. Again, the tour is under the lead-
ership of the club staff.
A seacade is the same thing, only it is a sea cruise. Each of these planned
events represents a once-in-a-lifetime experience guaranteed to bring you great
times and lifelong friendships.
Above all, the fun and fellowship derived from gathering with other own-
ers makes club membership one of the most important aspects of your owner-
ship of a Foretravel, the nation's finest motorhome.