Boiler shut-down
The boiler shuts down automatically if a malfunction occurs. Refer to Tables 1 and 2 to identify the boiler operating mode.
To determine the possible causes of malfunction, see also paragraph 6. The troubleshooting section is at the end of this manual.
Below is a list of kinds of shut-down and the procedure to follow in each.
Burner shut-down
Fault code E01 is displayed flashing on the display in the event of burner shut-down due to missing flame. If this happens, proceed as follows:
- check that the gas cock is open and light a kitchen gas ring for example to check the gas supply;
- once having checked if the fuel is available, press the "reset" button (F, fig. 1) to restore burner operation: if, after two starting attempts, the
boiler still fails to start and enters the shut-down mode again, contact a Service Centre or qualified personnel for maintenance.
If the burner shuts down frequently, there is a recurring malfunction, so contact a Service Centre or a qualified service engineer.
Shut-down due to incorrect air/flue gas system draught
If the air/flue gas system malfunctions, the boiler shuts down. The code E03 (flue gas thermostat) is displayed flashing on
the display.
Contact a Service Centre or a qualified service engineer to carry out the maintenance.
Shut-down due to low water pressure
If "shutdown due to insufficient pressure in system" error E04 starts flashing (indicating safety water pressure switch
triggering), fill the system by opening the filler cock as shown in fig. 2. E04 error is displayed when system pressure drops
below 0.4 bar and error will be automatically reset as soon as system pressure reaches 0.8 bar. Water pressure must be
1-1.3 bars while the boiler is cold.
In order to restore water pressure, proceed as follows:
- turn the filler cock (fig. 2) anticlockwise to allow water to enter the boiler;
- keep the cock open until the control panel shows a value of 1÷1,3 bar;
- turn cock clockwise to close it.
If the boiler still fails to operate, contact a Service Centre or a qualified service engineer.
fig. 2
Make sure you close the cock carefully after filling. If you do not, when the pressure increases, error E09 may be
displayed and the heating system safety valve may activate and discharge water.