1.2 Operating the boiler
1.2.1 Switching on
- Open the gas stop cock.
- Turn power mains switch to ON.
- Set boiler power switch no. 17 (pic.1) to ON (the switch lights up)
- Choose boiler mode through knob no. 11, no. 12 and no. 13 and
the programmable programmer no. 15 (please, refer to and paragraph).
- Adjust room temperature through room thermostat (when available).
- When CH is required, no. 10 light comes on (pic. 1).
- When the burner is on, no. 3 light comes on (the light comes on
when the flame detection electronics are powered, therefore even
if the light is on, flame might still not be present).
should the boiler be left inactive for a long time, particularly
when boiler is fired by LPG, ignition might be difficult. Before
starting the boiler, switch on a different gas fired device (e.g.
kitchen range, oven, etc.). Beware that even by following this
procedure, the boiler might still experience some starting dif-
ficulties and shut down once or twice. Reset boiler by acting
on no. 16 button (pic. 1).
1.2.2. Operation
The boiler is equipped with patented AQUA PREMIUM system. AQUA PREMIUM system
The boiler is equipped with a 60 l stratification water tank and a
secondary plate heat exchanger.
The boiler can either function as a standard instantaneous boiler,
when the water tank is deactivated, or through the innovative AQUA
PREMIUM system when the water tank is switched ON.
Water tank activation and deactivation can be operated by the user
via knob no. 12 and programmer on the control board
(please, refer to paragraph, DHW section).
When the water tank is switched ON (AQUA PREMIUM mode),
and DHW is requested, the flow switch detects the water stream;
the boiler turns ON, the cut-off valve is opened and the DHW pump
is turned ON (the pump flow rate is fixed).When DHW demand is
smaller than DHW pump flow rate, DHW to the tap is supplied by
the secondary exchanger only and the excess DHW produced is
deviated to the water tank.
When DHW demand is larger than DHW pump flow rate, DHW
produced by the secondary exchanger is joined by DHW from the
water tank; the combined DHW flow rate is larger than the one that
can be produced by instantaneous boilers of identical thermal ou-
tput or standard system boilers with same capacity water tank.
The boiler can also be operated as a standard instantaneous boi-
ler, when the water tank is disabled. Instantaneous DHW production
While the water tank is disabled, the boiler operates as a standard
instantaneous boiler: the cut-off valve is closed and the DHW pump
is always off. In this instance DHW supply is granted by the secon-
dary heat exchanger only and maximum available DHW flow rate
depends exclusively on the boiler thermal output.
DHW flow rate in liters per minute relies upon the boiler thermal
output and water main supply temperature, according to the fol-
lowing formula:
l = DHW in liters per minute = K /
K represents:
- 344 for BTFS 24 model
- 459 for BTFS 32 model
- 523 for BTFS 36 model
- 358 for BTN 25 model
- 450 for BTN 32 model
- 610 for BTN 42 model
T = DHW temperature – water mains supply temperature
E.g. In BTFS 24 model, should water mains supply temperature be
8°C and DHW required to 38°C, the value of
T is:
T = 38 °C – 8 °C = 30 °C
and DHW liters per minute available at the required temperature
of 38°C are:
l = ------------- = 11.5 [liters per minute]
The boilers, both BTN and BTFS modes, are divided in two fami-
a) Thermal unit managing one high temperature CH area and DHW
b) Thermal unit managing one mixed CH water area, one high tem-
perature CH area and DHW supply (“V” version)\\
q>. Thermal unit managing one high temperature CH area
and DHW supply
Position no. 17 switch to I: power is connected to the boiler and the
switch lights up.
Boiler operation mode is selected through knob no. 11. In detail:
“Programmer” position
The boiler electronics manage the program set via the two-channel
programmer no. 15. The user manages CH boiler operation through
channel 1 (please, see CH section). The user manages DHW boiler
operation through channel 2 (please, see DHW section).
- CHANNEL 1 without external temperature probe.
When the programmer is OFF, CH is OFF. When the programmer
is ON, CH is managed through the room thermostat.
- CHANNEL 1 with external temperature probe.
When the programmer is OFF, DHW is supplied by the plate
heat exchanger only.The boiler operates as a standard “instanta-
neous” boiler. DHW supply is not largest and enough to shower,
dishwashing, etc. When the programmer is ON, DHW is supplied
both by the plate heat exchanger and the water tank. DHW is lar-
gest in this instance.
The programmer can host up to 8 ON daily times and 8 OFF daily
times. Five programmable time areas are available in each day for
repetition of ON/OFF programs within the same week (1: single
day; 2: Mon-Fri; 3: Sat-Sun; 4: Mon-Sat; 5: Mon-Sun).
“Comfort” position.
QBoiler CH operation management only. Programmer is conside-
red as always turned ON, regardless of its programs.
CH is turned ON or OFF by the room thermostat or thermoregula-
tion control unit. “Comfort” position with external temperature pro-
be: please, see “SLIDING” TEMPERATURE OPERATION section.
“Reduced” position
Boiler CH operation management only. Programmer is considered
as always turned OFF, regardless of its programs. CH is always
OFF regardless of the room thermostat or thermoregulation control
unit signals.
NOTE : boiler operation in this position without external tem-
perature probe is the same of that in “Summer” position. “Re-
duced” position is desirable only when the boiler is equipped
with an external temperature probe (please, see “SLIDING”