Super Clean Recording
Record Channel
Record Digital with ‘O/P Transformer’ in circuit *
This example shows the shortest possible (lowest distortion) analogue signal path from mic to tape. It bypasses all EQ and Dynamics functions.
This example shows the ISA430 being used for mic or guitar recording. The insert point may be used to add external processing ‘in-line’ if
This example shows how to record from Mic (or Line/Inst inputs) to the A/D, routing the audio through the output transformer. (In normal
use, the “Int A/D Direct” input feeds the limiter and meter, then routing directly to the A/D card.)
* Requires optional ISA430 Digital Output Board
Stereo A/D Converter
The optional A/D card is a stereo device which can convert two tracks simultaneously. Stereo conversion can be accessed by connecting the
two audio signals into the EXT A/D DIRECT and INT A/D DIRECT inputs (directly accessing the A/D inputs via the limiter and digital meters).
The INT input of the A/D can also be connected in the normal way via the Line I/P, if additional mono processing (EQ and Dynamics) were
required on the signal, or if dual mono signals were being converted simultaneously.
ISA 430 Manual (multilanguage) 20/1/2000 9:07 am Page 9