Doc. No.: OMS500000104
Rev: A Page 9 of 42
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Installation Guidelines
A proper installation is the key to optimum performance, longer service life, and reduced
maintenance requirements. Take time to thoroughly plan all aspects of your installation.
General Location
It is important to position the pump on a flat, level surface to assist the splash oil lubrication
system. Whenever possible, the pump should be mounted in a clean, dry location with
sufficient lighting and adequate space for easy inspection and maintenance. Locate the pump as
close to the suction source as possible to allow for the shortest and most direct routing of the
inlet piping.
Mounting Pump to Foundation and Power Source
1. The M28 pump must be mounted in a horizontal position only. Secure the pump to the
mounting surface using the four (4) holes provided in the pump base. Check motor or
engine rotation direction to insure that the top of the pump drive shaft rotates towards the
pump fluid end when in operation.
2. For units that are V-belt driven, check the alignment of the sheaves after the unit is
installed on its permanent mounting. Tighten belts to the proper tension as recommended
by the belt manufacturer. Verify that the sheaves are in line and running parallel to each
other with a straight edge or other device. Never operate the pump without the belt guard
securely in place.
3. For direct-coupled or spline driven units, insure that the shafts are centered and parallel
when the driver is mounted to the pump. Never operate the pump without a shaft guard
securely in place.
Suction Piping Recommendations
1. Poor suction piping practices are a very common source of pump problems. To insure
proper operation it is very important to follow good design practice in the installation of
the suction system before the pump is operated. A small amount of extra time and
money invested in the piping system usually provides for better pump performance and
longer periods between service requirements. It is difficult to diagnose many pump
problems without the aid of a suction pressure gage. For this reason, FMC recommends
that a gage always be installed in the suction line directly before it enters the pump.
2. The suction line from the fluid source to pump should be as short and direct as possible.
Use rigid piping, non-collapsible hose or a combination of both as circumstances warrant
in your installation. The suction pipe size should be at least equal to or one size larger