Doc. No.: OMS500000104
Rev: A Page 30 of 42
Subject to contractual terms and conditions to the contrary, this document and all the information contained herein are the confidential and exclusive
property of FMC Technologies, and may not be reproduced, disclosed, or made public in any manner prior to express written authorization by FMC.
Figure 10: Crankshaft Removal
12. Pull connecting rod and crosshead assemblies from the power frame (1). Take care to
insure they are reassembled into the same bore from which they were removed.
13. Inspect all components for signs of wear or damage and replace if required. Carefully
check the crankshaft bearing surfaces for pits, scratches or other signs of wear. If any of
the bearings are damaged and must be replaced, FMC recommends that all bearings be
replaced even though some may not show visible signs of damage.