Section IV - Program Mode
MN06065 Rev. 0.3 (8/97)
Viewing the Help Messages
The AccuLoad II features unique "Help Messages"
that allow the operator to have at his fingertips the
ability to review what is required or what the options
are for an individual program code by simply press-
ing the “PRINT” key while in the Program Mode. The
"Help Messages" will scroll across the left display
when the “PRINT” key is pressed. The message will
continue to scroll across the display until the
“CLEAR” key is pressed.
EXAMPLE: To view the help message for program
code 301 (Transaction Control - Systems Directory).
1. View the contents of code 301 via one of the
methods previously described.
301 0 Local Tray Switch
2. To view the “Help Message” press the “PRINT”
key. The message will scroll across the display.
Select method of Transaction
Control: Remote, Local Print
3. To return to the program code press the
“CLEAR” key.
301 0 Local Tray Switch
Note: A description of the contents and range of entries for the
individual codes can be found in Operator Reference Manual
(Bulletin MN06066L).