Section IV - Program Mode
MN06065 Rev. 0.3 (8/97)
Alphanumeric Data
The codes that require alphanumeric data entered in
them are the codes that will display Product Mes-
sages, Prompt Messages or Permissive Messages
on the displays of AccuLoad II or will provide infor-
mation to be printed out on the Bill of Lading Emula-
tion. When adding or changing information in these
alphanumeric program codes, the keys listed below
perform the following functions:
Enters the data into the instrument's
Positions the cursor so that it is
pointing at the character to be changed
or added.
Increments the character one position.
Decrements the character one posi-
Increments the character from one
block of characters to another. An
example of this is changing from
uppercase letters to lowercase letters.
The blocks of characters that are
available in AccuLoad II are as follows:
•A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W
• a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
• 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• + ! " # $ % & ' ( ) , - . / : ; < = > @ [ ^ _ '{l}
? *
1. View the contents of code 180 (Product Direc-
tory) via one of the methods previously de-
180 = Prod Msg
2. To change/add information press "1", this will
position the cursor so that it is pointing to the
position to be changed.
180 < = Prod Msg
3. To add the description "Unleaded" as the Prod-
uct message press "4", this will advance the
blocks of characters to "A".
180 A< = Prod Msg
4. Press "4" to advance the blocks of characters to
180 a< = Prod Msg
5. Press "3" to decrement the character.
180 Z = Prod Msg
6. Repeat step 5 until the desired letter is displayed
180 U< = Prod Msg
7. Press "1" to move the cursor to the next posi-
180 U < = Prod Msg
8. Press "4" until the group of characters that is
desired is displayed (i.e., 0).
180 U0< = Prod Msg
9. Press "3" to decrement the character.
180 Uz< = Prod Msg
10. Repeat step 9 until the desired letter is displayed
180 Un< = Prod Msg