4. sTarT preparaTIOns
4.1. laYInG OuT THe KITe
Unfold and lay out the kite, trailing edge facing the wind for
a launch from the power-zone, or with the folded in wingtip
facing upwind for a launch from the edge of the wind window
(recommended method). Weigh down the kite with sand (if
available; if not, any none piercing or blunt objects). Now un-
wind the flying-lines from the bar in a 90° angle to the kite.
Finally check all of the kite’s lines, pulleys and Safety-
Systems for tangles, knots, sand blocking or previously su-
stained damage.
4.2. pre InFlaTIOn
It is not essential to pre-inflate your kite. However
a thorough pre-inflation gives you maximum con-
trol over the kite and helps in light wind starts.
There are many ways to pre-inflate a Flysurfer
kite. The kite should remain calm, so that the pul-
leys don’t tangle up with the bridle lines. The more
air in the kite at the start, the more controlled it
will rise.
In order to properly preinflate the kite, it is necessary to close the deflation vent at the
middle of the trailing edge!
4.3. COnneCTInG THe saFeTY
Attach the Kite-Leash to the harness. The posi-
tion of the Leash can vary according to the har-
ness used.
always check the quick release of
your bar and leash for correct function!
5. launCHInG THe KITe
Your Flysurfer kite is very simple to launch by yourself. Here are various options and some
tips to bear in mind. It is very important, that during forward launches the kite is somewhat
depowered. The trimmer should be relatively open/ long, arms relatively stretched out and
only pull the bar on one side to steer.
It is also recommended to first practice the various launching methods in light winds, then
slowly progress to launching in stronger winds.
5.1. launCHInG In lIGHT WInDs (pOWer ZOne sTarT)
To launch your Flysurfer kite in very light winds, inflate it a bit and start it from the power-
zone. Hook into the harness and then grab the upper end of the trimmer with one hand (wi-
thout also grabbing onto the FLS). To launch the kite, pull the trimmer/Depower Line with a
prolonged tug towards you (you can also use a pumping action in light winds).
This launch technique also works very well in the water, if the wind does not have enough
power to launch the kite on its own. In very shallow waters it is important not to walk back
as not to sink the kite and complicate the launch by pumping water into the kite.
5.2. launCHInG aT THe eDGe OF THe WInD WInDOW
The launch from the edge of the wind window
should be the standard method for launching
a Flysurfer kite. The main advantage being
that you won’t get dragged downwind as you
would when launching out of the power-zone.
This can be quite dangerous in strong winds
and with lack of space downwind. Lay out the
kite parallel to the wind, turn down the end
of the wing and weigh down the upwind wing-
tip, indicated by the symbol of a hand, with
an appropriate dull object, e.g., sand.
Now position yourself about 15-30° upwind
Summary of Contents for Speed 3
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