SONOCHEK 09.2018
The software starts and shows the current recorded sound level in the factory setting.
The recorded ultrasonic readings are shown on the display, but are not
recorded. The recording must be started first.
If you do not want to start the app, discard the inputs with "Cancel."
Note that the application was nevertheless activated in the background.
Close the SONOLEVEL or SONOLEAK app in the task manager before
you start another app (see chapter 3.3.6, Hide or close apps).
Adjusting reading output on the display
Different forms of representation and values can be derived from the sound signals recorded at
the ultrasonic microphone. The output on the display can be adjusted according to individual
requirements and the requirements of the measurement task.
The output of the data on the display does not affect the recording of the
signals. All level types are saved.
Adjusting the display of the level values on the display (example of SONOLEVEL app)
Three values are shown on the display as per factory setting:
Current level (in green, for example), minimum value and maximum value of the current level
The output of the readings in the middle display area can be customized.
1. Tap on the area of the reading output (figure) for a few seconds to display the different
2. Select the desired option by tapping on a list entry.