Overview of the SONOCHEK System
SONOCHEK 09.2018
2.5 Device function
Intended use
The SONOCHEK is a measuring device for detecting, recording and evaluating ultrasonic
signals (regarding functionality, see chapter 2.5.3).
Ultrasound can occur in a variety of processes, such as:
in the event of leaks on compressed air, steam and vacuum systems,
when operating condensate drains,
at leaky valves, slides, shut-off devices or taps in piping systems,
when working on sliding or roller bearings,
in the event of cavitation caused by pumps and compressors
in the case of flashover or corona discharges on electrical systems.
Any use other than the intended use is prohibited and may lead to personal injury or physical
damage. PRUFTECHNIK is not liable for damage, also to third parties, caused by the improper
handling of the device.
Functional Scope
The SONOCHEK can be used to evaluate system conditions where ultrasonic signals occur and
whose evaluation allows for conclusions to be drawn about the correct functioning. Applications
range from the "simple" leak check to the monitoring tasks of complex processes. The device
concept of the SONOCHEK was developed with the aim of using adapted sensor systems and
flexibility in data output for the user to support an optimal evaluation for many different
The basis of the system is formed by the mobile measuring device, which has a sensor
connection and interfaces. Functional and application software is installed on the device. The
SONOCHEK apps already contain powerful functionalities for measurement, recording and
Many basic tasks can already be realized with these apps:
Planning measurement tasks
Recording signal sequences
Saving and replaying signal sequences
Making ultrasonic signals audible
Documenting (photographing) measurement points, marking damage points