Operation of the device, sensor system and apps
SONOCHEK 09.2018
Start apps
Tap on the corresponding icon to start an app.
Additionally for SONOCHEK apps:
Enter a user name.
The user name is stored and issued in the measurement data for the
report. In this way, the verifier can be seen for all stored data.
Confirm your inputs by pressing "Start"
The app is started and the contents are available.
Hide or close apps
A distinction is made here:
Moving an active app into the background:
The application is still active and can be restarted quickly
User data (user name, selected folder or applications, audio settings) is maintained
Some readings (depending on the app) are maintained: Minimal value and maximum value
Closing the apps
System memory is available for other applications
(required for apps that require a lot of memory)
The system stability is improved, since the processes of the apps do not influence each other
Close a SONOCHEK app before starting another app.
To move an app into the background:
Press the "Home" button of the SONOCHEK
or tap on the
The startup screen is displayed.