The computer will automatically bring the active screen from the
scope, and insert it into the work document. You can then finish
filling out the report by inserting the name, etc. You can then save
the document as you would any word document.
Bringing the saved screen into Flukeview.
Going to the Program Menu on your computer, you can click on
“Flukeview” to open up the “Flukeview” softwear.
If the scope meter was already connected to the Com Port 1, the
scope will automatically be connected to Flukeview. Otherwise,
you can connect to the scope by clicking on the connection icon in
the upper right hand corner of flukeview softwear.
Clicking on the camera icon will bring in the active scopemeter
screen to the Flukeview softwear. Clicking on the camera w/ the
question mark will let you bring in screens from the memory
Once in Flukeview, you may:
Save the screens as bitmap or fvf files at a location of your
choosing. (FVF files are for Flukeview, and can only be
viewed by the softwear. A BMP is better.)
You can also transfer the displayed (and highlighted) screen to
a word document by first going to the Window Drop Down
Menu and highlighting “Default Size” (to maintain
resolution), then click on the “Copy the Graphics to the
Clipboard” icon, (or go to the Edit drop down menu and click
on “Copy Graphics”), open a Word document, and then pasting
the graphics from the clipboard to the word document. You can
then add whatever description you wish.