Press the “Save/Print” button on the lower right had side of the scope
control panel. The memory menu will appear across the lower portion of
the display.
Press the F1 button directly below the word “Save”. A sub-menu will
appear. Showing all of the available “ setup” and
“ setup” positions.
Using the up and down/left and right arrowed buttons on the scope
control panel, highlight the position where you wish to save the screen
shot, and then press the F4 button to save the capture in that specific
memory position.
If there was already something in the memory, denoted by the box in
front of the memory position being filled in, you will be asked whether
you wish to overwrite the data in that memory position.
To later recall and view what you have stored, press the “Save/Print”
button. The memory menu will appear across the lower portion of the
Press the F2 button below the “Recall” designation, or the F4 button
below the “View” designation.
Downloading Saved Screens to a File or Document
Connect the scope to your computer via the optical coupler supplied with
the scope meter.
Open Fluke View. The softwear will automatically prompt you about
your desire to connect to the Instrument.
Turn on the Scope Meter.
Click on the “Connect” button on the computer screen.
Once connected, the buttons across the top of the computer screen will
light up.
To download the screen displayed on the Scope Meter into Flukeview,
select the button with the picture of a camera on it.
The screen will
download and appear.
Alternatively, you may download the Scope Meter capture as a waveform
by using the waveform button.
The screen/file may now be saved as you would any file, but it will have
a file extension ”fvf”, making it only viewable with Flukeview.
Alternatively, you may copy the graphics via the edit dropdown, and past
the picture to another document.