Because you are set up for single shot capture, the scope will capture
any signal where the trigger level is exceeded. It will then stop, and
HOLD will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. If you are
satisfied w/ the screen, you can save it as described above. If not,
you can adjust your scale and trigger settings, press the rectangular
“Hold/Run” button, and the scope is ready to go again. Regardless,
if the Hold signal appears on the screen in the upper right hand
corner, you can rearm the scope by pressing the Hold/Run button.
To look at an individual fencer transient.
Once you have captured a series of fencer or trainer transients, you
can leave the voltage scale and trigger level alone.
The time scale can be adjusted up or down by rocking the rectangular
“Time” button.
Change the scale down to a point where you can identify the up and
down undulations (like that word?) on the screen which will enable
you to determine the Phase duration. On the Fluke 199C, you can
change the time scale all the way down to 5 nanoseconds/ division
(ns) and still have the glitch detect activated.
Once you capture a signal you are happy w/ by alternately pressing
the hold/run button and changing the time scale, (and voltage scale as
necessary), you can save the screen as previously described. Press
the Save/Print button, press F1 to open the save menu, use the
up/down arrows to highlight the location you wish to save the
screen, and press save. Press the Clear Menu button to clear the
Save/Print menu. You are now ready to go again.
Printing Saved Screens.
There are several ways to handle the saved screens to save them to a
file and include them in reports. They all start by opening the
Flukeview Softwear.
Connect you scopemeter to the computer using the fiberoptic
connection cable.
Recall you saved scope shot on the scopemeter.
Going to the Program Menu on your computer, you can open up
“Qreport” to automatically open up a “Fluke ScopeMeter Test
Report” blank document.
In the upper right hand corner is the picture of a camera. Click on
the camera, and the computer will automatically connect to the
scopemeter connected to the Com Port 1.