Post Processing
6.3 Post Processing
The activation and modification of post processing functions and their associated parameters is possible via the
PC based Multidrop Software, via ASCII commands, or over the rear control panel.
Note that only one signal processing function can be active.
6.3.1 Averaging
Averaging is used to smooth the output signal. The signal is smoothed depending on the defined time basis. The
output signal tracks the detector signal with significant time delay, but noise and short peaks are damped. Use a
longer average time for more accurate damping behavior. The average time is the amount of time the output signal
needs to reach 90% magnitude of an object temperature jump.
The range for the average time can be set from 0.1 to 300.0 s, whereas just 0.1 - 299.9 s will be interpreted as
averaging duration. Once Averaging is set above 0, it automatically activates. A value of 300.0 s indicates that
averaging post processing depends on an external trigger signal. A low-level input signal (pull to GND) at the
external input (Trigger) will promptly interrupt the averaging and will restart the average calculation with the current
temperature reading.
The disadvantage of averaging is the time delay of the output signal. If the temperature jumps at the input
(hot object), the output signal reaches only 90% magnitude of the actual object temperature after the defined
average time.
Figure 6-2: Averaging
6.3.2 Peak Hold
The output signal follows the object temperature up to the point, where a new maximum is detected. The output
will hold the maximum temperature value for the preset duration of the peak hold time. Once the peak hold time
expires, the peak hold function will reset, and the output will resume tracking the object temperature until a new
peak is reached.
The range for the peak hold time can be set from 0.1 to 300.0 s, whereas just 0.1 - 299.9 s will be interpreted as
peak hold duration. A value of 300.0 s indicates that peak hold post processing depends on an external trigger
signal. A low-level input signal (pull to GND) at the external input (Trigger) will promptly interrupt the peak hold
function and restarts the peak holding with the current temperature reading. Reset by Time
Once the Peak Hold Time is set between 0.1 until 299.9 s, it automatically activates. The post-processed peak
hold value stays the same up to the following happens:
Output temperature
Object temperature
Temperature jump
Average Time
90% of