The E920 Control Arm
Chain tensioning bolts:
lows for tightening the chain
or adjustment from side to
side. Make sure when tight-
ening only to adjust the same
amount for both bolts, other-
wise the sprocket will be mis-
the right bolt only will pull the
right side of the crank assem-
bly toward you, tightening the
left will pull the left side to-
ward you. Use this feature to
realign the rear with the front
sprocket if needed or when
changing to a new chain.
Crank arm bolts:
all 8 bolts slightly before
Inspection plate:
Open to check chain tension.
Do not check chain
tension by hand!
E920 Adjustable crank arms: Designed with a full 120mm of
travel , the 300mm crank arms are designed for a wide range
of upper body workout possibilities. The numbered indenta-
tions allow for accurate positioning on both sides throughout
the range of travel. One side can also be turned inde-
pendently to allow for even greater variation during your up-
per body workouts.
Pedal Handle:
Loosen knob to
adjust handle posi-
tion from 0-90 de-
Loosen to allow the control
arm to travel through 90 degrees
of travel. Note the telescoping
tube is gas assisted.
Tighten securely when desired
workout position is reached.