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c) Reduce length by machining, or make a new
longer thrust collar disc spacer [2460], as
d) Reinstall parts.
e) Repeat steps 4 and 8 above.
10) After correct running position is verified, remove:
a) Thrust bearing parts (see step 5 above)
b) Bottom halves of sleeve bearings [3020]
c) Bottom halves of bearing housings [3200,
d) If the sensor disc [2900] is located inboard
of the thrust bearing, remove the sensor disc
and key.
6.9.4 Mechanical Seal Installing Seal Housing
Install seal housing as follows:
1) Install new seal plate gasket [4590.1] on seal
2) Verify that case mating surface for seal plate
gasket [4590.1] is clean, smooth, and even.
3) Attach lifting equipment to seal and position seal
plate in casing cover [1221] or inboard end of
casing [1100], whichever is applicable.
4) Secure seal plate with cap screws and detach
lifting equipment.
5) Connect piping, if applicable, to seal plate.
6) When pump has seal plate at both ends, repeat
steps at opposite end of pump. Installing Seal Unit
To assure that seal parts and shaft are
properly aligned after bearings are installed, keep
the shaft sleeve and the stuffing box locked together
and shaft sleeve loose from shaft until both sleeve
bearing and thrust bearings are installed.
With the seal plate in place and the shaft sleeve
locked together, lightly lubricate inside of sleeve with
a lubricant that is compatible with your pumpage and
install the seal unit in accordance with the seal
manufacturer's installation and assembly drawing in
the back of the manual.
6.9.5 Bearing Assembly
1) Slide deflector [2540] or Inproseal rotors and
stators over the shaft with their respective O-
rings [4610.1].
2) If the sensor disc [2900] is located inboard of the
thrust bearing, install sensor disc.
3) Install brackets, bearing housings [3200, 3230],
bolting, and dowels. Ensure that stationary oil
baffles and oil seal rings are correctly aligned
with the bearing housing.
4) Oil all part surfaces before installing.
5) Raise shaft slightly and roll bottom halves of
sleeve bearing [3020] into bearing housings
[3200, 3230]. Place upper sleeve bearing halves
on top of lower halves. If the sleeve bearings are
pressure dam type bearings, ensure that the
pressure dam is aligned properly with the
rotation of the shaft, as illustrated in
Figure 6-9
Figure 6- 9 : Pressure Dam Bearing Alignment
If your pump is equipped with a hydraulic
thrust collar, then refer to the section 6.9.7 (see
drawing at the back of this manual) for installation
procedure. Do not use heat to install a hydraulic
thrust collar.
6) Install inner retaining plate (if applicable), thrust
collar spacer sleeve [2460], and thrust collar key
[6700.6] (if installed). Heat thrust collar [3610] to
the installation heat specified in section 10.3 and
slide onto shaft.
7) Install thrust collar locknut [3712.2] on shaft,
tighten locknut but do not bend down ear of lock
washer [6541].
8) Install thrust bearing parts:
a) Lubricate base rings, leveling plates, and
shoes with light oil
b) Set bottom halves of base rings on shaft,
and rotate to bottom position
c) Set top halves of base rings on shaft and
make certain that ends of leveling plates
interlock properly
d) Rotate bottom halves of base rings to top.
Insert shoes and rotate back into bottom
position. Insert shoes in top halves of base
9) Recheck thrust collar [3610] runout per previous
instructions, see rotor axial alignment (section, paragraph 4.
10) Verify that thrust collar locknut [3712.2] is tight
and then bend lock washer [6541] tab into slot
on nut.