Rev. July 2019
Geenneerraall iinnffoorrm
PPrreesseerrvvaattiioonn ooff tthhee ooppeerraattiioonn m
The operation manual (including valid documents) must be kept ready for use near the Flexxoturi!
PPrroodduucctt lliiaabbiilliittyy
For damage to persons, property, the environment and / or operating damage caused by the fact that this operating manual was
not, or not fully observed, the company Flexxolutions does not accept any liability. Unauthorized modifications will void the
warranty. The company Flexxolutions does not accept any liability nor warranty if, instead of an original spare part as
recommended in the operating manual or in the spare parts list, a different spare part is used, and Flexxolutions also does not
accept any liability nor warranty if using this non-genuine part leads to personal injury, material damage and / or failure.
Warranty and liability claims for damages to persons, property and the environment are excluded if they are caused by one or
more of the following reasons:
Improper transport, installation, commissioning, operation or maintenance
Failure to observe the instructions in the operating manual concerning assembly, commissioning, operation and
Unauthorized modifications or constructural alterations
Inadequate monitoring of parts that are subject to wear
Improperly executed repairs
Usage not according to the intended purpose
Impact of foreign objects
Indirect consequential damages – regardless of the type – and natural wear (seals etc.) shall under no circumstances give rise to
a liability or a warranty claim.
Corrosion caused by electrochemical reactions (e.g. different ground potential, pH-value of the substrate) or by microbial
influences (e.g. bacteria, algae, fungi) does not constitute a defect (reason for complaint).
SSppaarree ppaarrttss
All spare parts can be delivered by Flexxolutions. To order spare parts, please contact Flexxolutions directly.
IInntteennddeedd uussee
The Flexxoturi serves exclusively as a dosing system. The Flexxoturi is suitable for the delivery of disinfectants concentrate from a
liquid container to the product that needs to be disinfected.
Otthheerr aapppplliiccaabbllee ddooccuum
For instructions about the water timer see: Gardena Manual C 1060 plus Art. 1864
mppoonneennttss ooff tthhee FFlleexxxxoottuurrii
mppoonneenntteenn ooff tthhee FFlleexxxxoottuurrii
The Flexxoturi consists out of the following parts:
Water timer
Fluid supply (to the
Fluid supply (from the
Power on/off
Water connection
User manual Flexxoturi