Secure the fl ying line with a clove hitch knot to the carabiner which is attached to the anchor
leash. Verify at all times if the knot is installed correctly so it locks the line fi rmly to the
carabiner without giving it any chance of feeding any more line when you pull the fl ying line
either way of the clove hitch knot.
Camera Kite Deployment
Now return to your kite to prepare for launch. It is advised to fl y your kite fi rst without the
stabiliser and camera or smartphone being installed to verify the wind condition and terrain.
To launch your kite, lift your kite while holding it at the nose on the bottom spine, let your kite
catch the wind while fi rst holding the bridle with one gloved hand and then hold the fl ying line
with your other gloved hand as you let go of the bridle. Do not let go of your kite or fl ying line.
Return to the ground stake as you let the fl ying line slide through your hand whilst still wearing
the protection gloves (Important) as the kite gains its altitude or use the landing handle as you
clip the carabiner onto the fl ying line to retain the line while walking back to the ground stake.