The connection is performed using
power cable with PowerCon connector
( i n c l u d e d ) . Th e d e v i ce m u s t b e
operated by qualified personnel.
5.2 Voltage specification
Input Voltage
Total Power
5.3 Connecting power supply
In the case of cable damage do not attempt to repair.
Replacement or repair can be made only on the manufacturer or by
a person with appropriate permissions.
Make sure that the power grid supply
parameters are consistent with device
parameters and limitations are not
---- Run Mode
---- Scene Run
---- Scene Set
---- DMX Address
---- Channel Mode
---- DMX signal
---- Display
---- Linear Color
---- Load Default
---- DiS
---- MT
---- Power
---- Reset Cal.
---- Sensor Monitor
---- System Errors
---- DMX Monitor
---- Set
---- Manual
---- system
---- Chinese and English switch
---- Screen rotation
Main interface
5.4 Menu structure
User Manual
Instrukcja Obsługi
---- Dimmer
---- Strobe
---- Color
---- Gobo
---- Gobo Rotation
---- Effect Animation
---- Focus
---- Zoom
---- Reset