With the ruler you can change the speed of the play back. Turn the pot over the middle position
to activate the speed function. In ruler position Zero you have the half speed and in ruler posi-
tion maximal you have the fourth speed. The original record speed is about ruler middle posi-
Please note:
After the end of the One shot sequence the function SPEED has no effect.
3.4 Play back function Speed
A high pulse at the reset input of the channel sets the track (Play Mode) to the beginning and
starts it. If the track was previously in One Shot Mode, the sequence will also be played only
once (until another reset pulse arrives).
Reset has no effect while mode RECORD or STOP is activated.
3.5 Reset
Use the CV inputs CV-XFADE and CV-PAN to control mixing with a control voltage (such as an
LFO). The inputs can handle voltages in the range of +/- 5v. The poti serves as an attenuator.
In order to use the full voltage range, you must therefore turn the potentiometer to the right stop.
When using an LFO, the frequency should not be higher than 125Hz, because the sample rate
of the recorder is about 250 Hz.
If you use a modulated CV for recording the mix (eg from an LFO), then this also controls the
SPEED during playback. You should then, if necessary, turn the potentiometer to zero, or pull
out the cable.
3.6 CV MIX input